Tuesday, July 21, 2009


last weekend was this gurtenfestival, in berne, about an hour from here.

the link:

it was such a good time, i wish they had some music festivals like this at home - but alas, no one would be happy with music till 5 am in canada. some really great shows, franz ferdinand was awesome, got right up to the front. some cool ska bands, danced barefoot in the mud - oh yea, it pretty much thunderstormed for two nights, essentially rained inside the tent. it was so great though, definitely the mud and dirt and rain just made it better, just classic. just the atmosphere was amazing, just lots of people having a good time together. this was a terrible job of explaining, but honestly, the experience was one of the best i've ever had. came home with a bag of wet clothes, covered in dirt, tired from dancing, but completely worth it.

in other news, i really like kebabs. been running a lot lately. work is alright, just hangin out mostly. hair's getting long but i'm gonna leave it.

coming up: 11k run this weekend, and bungee jumping 220 m the weekend after that, i'm terrified.

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