Monday, October 26, 2009

wellness weekend

went to ikea the other day and it was quite good, i like just walking around in there. i bought a knife which i have been needing for awhile, i can cook twice as fast again now.

went on this wellness weekend thing on friday night with iaeste. basically hiked through the night, it was snowing for a couple hours, it was cold, i was wet, the trail was deceptively uphill, i was tired. drank a bunch of wine prior as well. stopped for hot soup and stuff, it was good. made it to this shelter thing at like 4 am. the stars came out, there was a fire, i threw a sandwich on the ground, i tried to eat a sandwich and pulled my jaw muscle. ate breakfast, walked down and the sun was coming up, napped for like 20 minutes on the grass. went down to the town brunnen, to this place called swiss holiday park. there are roman baths there, which are basically just nicely set up hot tubs and steam rooms and saunas, it was so relaxing. there was also a nap room that smelled nice, had calming music and comfy chair/bed things. great! after the spa was dinner at this italian restaurant, i had some delicious pasta and soup. took the train home, got stuck in arth goldau for like 45 minutes. went home and still stayed up for a bit to frame some pics and put them up around the house, it's much nicer now with a bit of art on the walls, also dave painted a picture and that is up as well.

had a good sleep in day on sunday, made some delicious breakfast of eggs benedict. nothing better than poached eggs and hollandaise sauce. just chilled all day, went to play some telephone pictionary which is a sweet game, put some pictures up, stuff like that.

it's been a good week so far, just cooking a bunch of food and baking again tonight. no plans for halloween weekend yet, just party somewhere i guess.

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